Could your body be telling you something?
We all know what it feels like when you feel exhausted for no reason or when your mood swings go on overdrive. But what about when you start experiencing irregular periods, feeling constantly bloated or you start piling on the pounds as well? Individually these seem pretty minor but collectively they could point to an imbalance in your hormones. You see…
‘Your hormones run the show’
They act as mini messengers between your bodies systems and their behaviours. They control your digestive system, your ability to deal with stress, your sleep patterns, your reproductive system, your metabolism, your moods and much more. There is a hormone for just about everything that goes on within your body. Unfortunately for some, these hormones can become unbalanced causing chaos.
So, what can you do when your body is telling you your hormones are running riot?
You take up some healthy habits that will help you feel AWESOME again.
Cut the crap
Harsh but true! Cutting down the refined sugars, toxins, processed foods, unhealthy fats and replacing them with lots of greens, healthy fats and healthy food IS A MUST!
Drink plenty of water
This will always be a number one priority when your hormones are unbalanced as water has detoxing qualities. Try squeezing some lemon in for taste.
Ditch the stress
Try stepping away from technology, put down your phone, stop scrolling on social media, turn off the T.V and quit watching the news. It is all negative stimuli that can cause overwhelm and stress. This can also apply to negative people and situations.
Reconnect with yourself and your life
Take up journaling to release unwanted emotions, meditate, quiet your mind, stretch, do some yoga, move, sing dance, smile, be creative and be kind to yourself. Learn to relax again.
Use your Yoni egg
We all know the beautiful benefits to using a Yoni egg to love ourselves. When our bodies are out of sync we need to repair the damage and seek guidance from within. A Yoni egg will give you clarity, power and empowerment in your time of need. Using these little gems for spiritually nourishing your body through meditation relieves stress which in turn keeps those hormones more aligned.
Get enough sleep
Enough sleep is a must when trying to re-balance yourself. Make sure that you are well rested and feel like you have slept properly when you wake up. Also try to set yourself a morning ritual so you can start your day the right way after having a great night’s sleep.
If you feel like your hormones are out of balance and you are suffering because of this, then you need to act right away. Every consistent, inspired action will bring you closer to feeling balanced, healthy and aligned in no time.
Written By: Abby Kedwell
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